“be bathed in the golden light of the setting sun”的字面意思是“沐浴在落日的金色光辉中”,通常用于生动形象地描绘某个场景或物体在夕阳余晖的照耀下呈现出的美丽、宁静、祥和等氛围或状态,给人一种视觉上的美感和诗意的感受,常出现在文学作品、旅游描述、摄影评论等中,用于增添文采和营造意境。
The entire valley was bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, creating a picturesque scene that took our breath away.
The ancient temple, standing silently on the hilltop,was bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, as if telling the stories of the past.
The shepherd and his flock were bathed in the golden light of the setting sun as they slowly made their way back home.