Reflection: COMP9311 Final Exam
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Having sat through this final exam, I would call my performance a failure. It is what it is, I cannot change the past. Looking on the bright side though, there is always something to learn from a failure.

COMP9311 is about Database Management. Being someone from a non-data background, it was not easy for me. It is frustrating that the exam was a total disaster even after I have put in so much effort! I know how do answer these questions, but I just did not have the time! Oh boy, high school memories flashing back, not pleasant.

What have I learnt from this?

1. When you are feeling optimistic before any test, you MUST BE OVER-CONFIDENT! Do some exercises, find area you are lacking.

2. Never assume you would still remember everything during the exam. In fact, you would be confused, anxious, stressed and emotional, you would forget everything. To prevent this, do exercises through the term, not just before the exam. Especially so for STEM subjects.

3. You need to go to consultations, find lots of questions and ask lots of questions! Obviously, it would be too late to ask right before the exam.

4. UNSW exams are total ‘jerks’, especially so when it comes to mathematics subjects. Always start from the easy ones, don’t spend too much time on one question.

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