2024-11-13 05:56  浏览:2065  搜索引擎搜索“手机全球会展网”
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that was intense

good things happen to good people

winter is coming

I get up at six in the morning

you are somebody

I need you

are you full

I'm cooking

do you have a minute

give me a reason

keep your eyes peeled

give me a hand

you look nice

no objection

I think so

just leave me alone

I envy you

I'm afraid so

what makes you say that

you have a point

consider it done

keep this between us

anything is possible

music to my ears

take your time

fake it till you make it

the more the merrier

is that all you got

cut the bullshit

never ever

please be seated

keep in touch

hear me out

why do you think

may I speak frankly

you are one to talk

I'm warning you

I'll keep that in mind

do you have any money

I'll consider it

that make sense

what do you see

take it easy

what a fool I was

cut the crap

what's you next move

it's my destiny

I was a fool

take care of yourself

you did a good job

I'm so proud of you

I'm on vacation

that's a bummer

I'm looking forward to it

I like being around you

how did you find me

you are my hero

we had a deal

no objections

it envy you

I'm afraid so

it owe you an apology

it you say so

something like that

what's the hurry

is this seat taken

we must hurry

keep your eyes peeled

give me a reason

shut your mouth

are you thirsty

you are insane

get out of my sight

I will not fail you

I'll give you a hint

I'm used to it

as long as it takes

it's not my call

keep it to yourself

you look very dashing

you read my mind

we are on the clock

as you wish

see you later

I'm so over you

I'm so into you

it want to go home

do what you want

I can't sleep

everything will be okay

发布人:e3a8****    IP:124.223.189***     举报/删稿